The third annual 2025 Advocacy Day at the Michigan State Capitol will be Wednesday, March 12.
This year’s theme is the crisis in care resulting from the 2019 auto no-fault insurance changes in Michigan. Available care for survivors has been drastically reduced and is often unavailable. As a result, seriously injured Michiganders are being stripped of their inherent worth and dignity and even dying. Faith leaders have been asking state policymakers to resolve this humanitarian crisis, amplifying the concerns of medical professionals.
The legislation we will focus on would (1) provide sustainable reimbursement rates for medical providers and (2) increase the number of hours that family caregivers can be reimbursed. This is a bipartisan and moral issue. The facts are clear, but legislation to correct the 2019 laws has yet to pass. We believe bringing people of faith together will help raise awareness and get this done.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Central UMC in Lansing – 215 N Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48933
*All times Eastern Standard Time
7:30 AM Registration and refreshments
8:30 AM Welcome
9:30 AM – 11:30 AM – Advocacy Activities
11:30 AM – Press Conference
12:15 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Worship
Official events conclude after worship. Capitol tours are optional at 2:30 PM and 3:00 PM. Sign-up is included in the registration form.
This year’s Advocacy Day is being offered on a sliding scale. A fee of $30 per person is recommended, and includes refreshments, lunch and materials. Additional funds will be used for future Advocacy Days.
To learn more about the Church & Society Committee of First UMC, visit our webpage.
If you’d like to carpool from the Brighton Campus, please contact Suzanne Everett.